Marketing standards for fresh fruit and vegetables

The EU marketing standards for fresh fruit and vegetables,
which form part of the EU marketing rules, apply at all stages
of the marketing chain, at import, export, primary production,
at wholesale, retail markets, including supermarkets.

The advantages of producer organisations

As an individual farmer one remains in charge of one’s farm,
but the PO can bring structure to the marketing of the
products of its members. The PO can also help in the
planning and increase the profitability of the farm

Geographical indications

Geographical indications establish intellectual property rights
for specific products, whose qualities are specifically linked
to the area of production.

School schemes

The EU established school scheme to help children follow
a healthy diet and lifestyle. Unhealthy diets, together
with low physical activity, result in obesity.

What is CMO?

The Common Market Organisation (CMO) is as the first pillar a part of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union. The CAP has been created in the 1960's of the 20th century as a response to the situation in European countries after World War II.

Agriculture was in a critical situation, with a lack of production and very low income of producers in all sectors of agriculture. One of the tools to improve the situation was the creation of the Common Market Organisation (CMO). CMO was designed to manage the production and trade of most of the EU’s agricultural sectors. The purpose of the CMO was to ensure steady incomes for farmers and a continued supply for European consumers. During the period 1963 – 2007, 21 CMOs for different agricultural sectors were introduced with their own rules.

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Main Components

Marketing standards for fresh fruit and vegetables

The EU marketing standards for fresh fruit and vegetables, which form part of the EU marketing , ...

The advantages of producer organisations

Producer organisations are the perfect tool for farmers to collaborate in distributing and marketing their products.

Geographical indications

Establish intellectual property rights for specific products, whose qualities are specifically linked to the area of production. The EU geographical ...

School schemes

The EU established school scheme to help children follow a healthy diet and lifestyle. Unhealthy diets, together with low physical activity, result in obesity. Before 2017 there ...

Integrated Agricultural Information System

An Integrated Agriculture Information System (IAIS) adapted to EU requirements should have a few essential ...

Our Partners

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development of Kosovo

Kosovo Food and Veterinary Agency

Kosovo Municipalities

Prishtina, Mitrovica, Peja, Prizren, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Gjakovë, Kaqanik

European Union Office in Kosovo

Latest News



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